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Katadhin Lamb

Katahdin sheep, originating in Maine, are a hair breed (as opposed to wool breed) of sheep known for their pleasant dispositions and mild-flavored meat.  Our lambs spend their days luxuriating in large, shaded, clover-filled pastures.

Buy Now

View our current offerings and order directly on Locasaur. We will pack your order and let you know when it is ready for pick up. You can view our inventory and prices on the web by clicking here.

Purchase Whole Lamb

A whole lamb is $10/lb of hanging weight including all processing and transport costs.  Hanging weights are usually about 50 pounds, which will yield approximately 30 pounds of meat. Call 540-905-2580 or email us to reserve your lamb.



We work with a number of small, local restaurants and caterers.  Please reach out at 540-905-2580 or via email to discuss pricing and availability.

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